Corporate Governance & CSR

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

ESG refers to a set of standards that determine a company’s behavior in relation to the Environment, Society and Governance (Environmental, Social and Governance), which follow the EU’s commitments for climate neutrality and sustainable development. They are taken into account by both investors and consumers, giving a competitive advantage. At the same time, the role and exercise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is also considered catalytic, as it highlights the company’s sensitivity towards society and promotes the respect and commitment of customers.

CPA provides you with comprehensive ESG and CSR framework and management. We offer personalized business consulting services depending on the structure and needs of each business!


  • Evaluation of the entity and appliance of an effective corporate governance framework
  • Preparing your company at every level for the ESG code and training for its effective implementation
  • Sustainable investments monitoring and green bond portfolio
  • Selecting activities for sustainable financing (green and social assets)
  • Design of Green Business Plans
  • ESG Financial Reporting – Financial ESG Compliance & Reporting


  • Preparing your company at every level for the implementation of a CSR culture
  • Strategy, proposals and implementation of CSR actions
  • CSR Report
  • Training on CSR policy making  

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